
Welcome to the home of the Burlington Amateur Radio Club, of Burlington, Vermont! We are an ARRL affiliated club Special Services club. We also support the American Red Cross of Northern VT. The Red Cross has for many years graciously allowed us to call their building home, in Burlington, as our Club meeting space. We are still working on a new Emergency Communications Center/W1KOO Club station which has been on hold.  Some of our club members are also Red Cross Volunteers.  More to come.

REPEATER PHOTOS BELOW -  Top row is Mt Mansfield W1KOO/VHF, W1IMD UHF, Bottom row is UVM Redstone Campus, Burlington  W1KOO VHF/UHF.  See "Repeaters" page.

Our February BARC Meeting is set for Friday, February 21, 19:00 hours (7:00 PM) at our regular meeting site, First Congregational Church, 39 Main Street, Essex Junction in the Marvin Lounge. (Far end of the building from the parking lot. Turn right, then left, the right at the end.) This will be both In-person and on ZOOM.  (BARC Distribution gets the ZOOM info, if you would like to join us, send an email to W1OKH@W1KOO.org.  

We have a new co-treasurer and club director for Media and Membership with John and Johnna Ferguson.  Dues remains at $25 for the coming year.  It is renewal time.  The Online Membership Application Form and Paypal are updated and working OK under Join/Renew.  A copy of the paper form in PDF format has been added as well. Some members have already renewed online and via Paypal.  

Meeting agenda is still in the works but will be simple giving that HAMCON is the following morning.  

Don't forget the VT QSO Party this weekend.

HAMCON is currently set for Saturday, February 22 at the Hampton Inn in Colchester.  Here is the website.

Our current mailing address for the club is.



SOUTH HERO, VT  05486  

Join us for the Wednesday night 8 PM Roundtable on Mt Mansfield VHF. (146.940, (-) duplex, 100 Hz PL) This is an excuse to get on the air and generate some good activity.  W1KOO Burlington, 146.610 is still on the air with a temporary antenna at about 35 feet.  We are still in process on how the commercial services are going to land on the new platform relative to where we locate our antennas.

Hope you can join us!

Ed Guild W1OKH/W1KOO


The Redstone Water Tower has been both primed and painted!  A number of upgrades have been in the works on the water tower including construction of the catwalk and railing for antennas on top. We are holding for the commercial antennas to be located on top before we work on landing ours.

For awareness in addition to our Wednesday night roundtable, our New York friends run their weekly "Health and Welfare" net on Thursday nights now on Terry Mountain at 19:30 hours. (145.490, (-), PL 123 Hz.   Lyon Mountain (147.285, (+) duplex, PL 123 Hz) has been having antenna issues. They run a couple of rounds of comments and then try a digital message using FLDIGI afterward for whoever wants to participcate. (Modes are MT63-2000L or something else popular like THOR 22.  MT63 is being used for quarterly NY RACES Hospital Drills.) 


In other news, 

Don't forget the 8:00 PM Wednesday night net on W1KOO, 146.940, --600 KHz,  PL 100 Hz.  We've had some good roundtables including new hams discovering activity on our repeater which generates new interest and participation.    

Locally you can access NFMRA via the W1KOO UHF Repeater on 443.150, +5 MHz, PL 110.9 Hz co-located with 146.610. W1IMD UHF Repeater, Mt Mansfield, 447.175 MHz, -5 MHz, PL 110.9 Hz or W1BKK UHF Repeater, Monkton, 444.650 MHz, + 5 MHz, PL 110.9 Hz.   See our NFMRA UHF FM Network Page for other repeater info. 

Check out the Vermont VEM RACES net update below.  

Our new mailing address for the club is.

Burlington Amateur Radio Club, Inc.


SOUTH HERO, VT  05486    We are saving well over $100 per year getting out of the city with our Mailing address.  (Currently $84 per year versus $200 for 2025.)

Let me know if you are not receiving email.   (Reply back to W1OKH@W1KOO.org)  Some services, such as AOL, do not seem to reliably receive "group" email.

We could use more fresh material here!  Send via email to Media@w1koo.org.

Vermont VEM RACES Nets:  

    1900 - 1930 (7:00 PM - 7:30 PM)        UHF linked system (Northeast FM Repeater Association )

     2000 - 2015 (8:00 PM - 8:30 PM)        DMR Statewide Vermont talk group

 NNYESN:  Northern New York Emergency Service Net runs every day at 0730 and 1900 hours on the Whiteface Repeater, VHF 145.110, PL of 100 Hz or UHF 447.775 MHz, PL of 100 Hz for Net Operation.)    Terry Mountain, 145.490 MHz, PL 123 Hz is the primary backup with Lyon Mountain down for some time now.  Purpose is training for Sky Warn and traffic handling. (NTS)   This net is monitored by the National Weather Service at the Burlington International Airport.  

    Protocol for WX reports are:

        Sky Conditions


        Temperature in degrees F

        Wind speed and direction if known.

        Barometer if available

        Other comments such a wind damage or road conditions. 

The Whiteface VHF Repeater is strictly emergency and public service use only and is monitored 24 hours per day...No rag chewing.